Have you come up against a ‘block’ or ‘restriction’ or a limiting belief acquired somewhere in your history, in this life or a past life?
You can clear and sometimes completely ‘delete’ these issues allowing you to proceed on your path without being restricted by your past in the decisions and choices you’re able to make and the actions you’re able to take.
Often I use a therapy to assist with a coaching programme but I can also provide them on a stand-alone basis.
If you’re unsure how to deal with something an want to explore therapies, or have a clear idea of what you want just call me and we’ll see where it goes.
5th Dimensional Healing– comprehensive therapy delivered by its creator, Kathy Maslowski – 2 to 3 hour session in person or online
ECBC– the Emotion Code and Body Code technique to deal with trapped emotions and other issues holding you back. 10 30 minute remote or in person sessions over a period not exceeding 6 weeks
Ho’oponopono– helping you ‘clean’ and ‘let go’ when in difficulty. Initial interview by phone then 21 days remote treatments – subject does not need to be present.
LaB Analysis – Language and Behaviour analysis to discover how others perceive you and how you react in specific circumstances. One session approx. 25 minutes in person or online followed by report. Separate sessions required for different contexts
RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) – Fast track hypnosis to deal with issues quickly. 2 hour session in person or online + self hypnosis audio = follow up call after 21 days
Soul Realignment – what is holding you back from previous lives? Available at three levels with additional Relationship and Property readings. One remote session approx. 3 hours + report call for 1 hour.
NEW Therapies coming soon
Chakra Balancing – a healing session to balance and energise your body’s key energy centres – 90 minute in person session
Crystal Energy Healing – using specially selected crystals to resolve specific or general matters – 90 minute in person session
NLP– Neuro Linguistic Programming – details to follow
Reiki – traditional energy healing for injuries and other physical matters as well as emotional issues – details to follow
Rune Stone Reading – discover what the stones hold for you or get the answer to a question – details to follow
Tarot Card Reading – discover what the cards hold for you or get the answer to a question – details to follow