Language and Behaviour Analysis
Words which Change Minds
You’ve heard the expression ‘it only takes a few seconds to make a first impression’ -well most recent research put it at about 7 seconds. How do you know you’re making the ‘right’ impression in such a brief moment?
Now with most people those first 7 seconds aren’t cast in stone, they are likely to change their opinion of you as time goes on but wouldn’t it be a good idea to make sure you do get off to a good start when you meet new people?
Language and Behaviour (LaB) Analysis can do this for you, and it doesn’t take long. A few minutes ‘interview’ with a qualified practitioner will do it and you’ll get a detailed follow up report o how people you meet are likely to form an opinion of you. Once you know this you can adjust how you interact with people.
LaB Analysis was created by Shelle Rose Charvet and is widely used in recruitment and selection. It also has some revealing insights on how we buy and how we react to the sales process, vital knowledge if you are engaged in this activity.
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