Personal Businesss Coaching

Personal Businesss Coaching 150 150 The Freedom Coach

Personal Business Coaching

The Personal Business Coaching programme starts with a personal one to one Discovery Call, usually done over the phone or by Zoom, to determine whether or not I can help you or if I should recommend someone else

It’s followed by a Business Vision Workshop. This can be a live event done individually or in a group, a live webinar OR simply you completing the Business Vision Workbook.

This leads to a personal one-to-one Strategy Session to review your Business Vision and work out what happens next.

Depending on your needs you’ll then enrol on an introductory  Coaching Programme and this can range from the full 90 day private personal coaching programme to the ‘DIY’ programme where you go through a workbook by yourself. I also provide Group options, live, or on line and specially tailored personal face to face coaching over a series of half-days.

Usually this part of the programme is about you creating your ‘Business Plan’ – but it’s not what you might think, it’s a clearly defined and documented Operating Manual for your business, dealing in detail with operations, marketing, finance and compliance – everything you need to make sure you can run your business efficiently and effectively, and, prove it to whoever wants to know!

Following this introductory period various longer term options and more advanced programmes are available according to what you want and how things develop over the first phase. Here we can deal in more depth with marketing and sales, use of information and IT, efficient operations, legal matters and so on.


To discuss what’s best for your needs book a personal call with me.
Select a date and time for a call back.  The conversation with me will last about 25 minutes and is free of charge.