Personal Mentorinng

Personal Mentorinng 150 150 The Freedom Coach

Personal Mentoring

Personal Mentoring

Designed to work together with you to achieve the outcome you want

This is a series of regular personal mentoring sessions to guide and work with you through a specific  project or a general situation or to help you achieve a medium or long term goal.

Depending on what we’re dealing with  we may start with a series of three sessions of around an hour each. Depending on the nature of the assignment these will normally take place weekly but can be more frequent. or structured differently according to your needs.


Please read the Coaching Agreement. Making your booking constitutes acceptance of the Agreement

Please book a call to discuss Group coaching

Choose method of  payment

for individual coaching

1. PAYMENT BY BANK TRANSFER. Please pay £2132 for the 12 month programme direct to Life Mastery Universal Ltd.  Sort Code 60-83-71, Account 53712453 – Ref 168

12 monthly payments of £179 – total £2148