Full Day

Full Day 150 150 The Freedom Coach

Full Day Coaching

Full Day Coaching Session

A Full Day session to address your specific requirements

This 7+ Hour coaching session is designed to provide you with ‘answers’ to your specific or non-specific questions about anything in your life or business

There is no specific structure and the form of the coaching will follow whatever you need to gain clarity on.

It provides an alterative to weekly coaching sessions and is aimed at ‘dealing’ with an issue more rapidly and to attend to matters which are not yet at ‘crisis’ level but typically to address the question “I not sure what to do next’

The day is supplemented by a follow up hour of coaching after 1 month and again after 3 months included in the price. This coaching session is suitable for an individual or a small team.

Please read the Coaching Agreement. Making your booking constitutes acceptance of the Agreement

Choose method of  payment

for individual coaching

1. PAYMENT BY BANK TRANSFER. Please pay £755 direct to Life Mastery Universal Ltd.  Sort Code 60-83-71, Account 53712453 – Ref 118